In English
The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed
The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed is an advocacy organisation for the unemployed. We defend peoples’ economic, social and physical rights for equal citizenship.
The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed:
- is a politically nonaffiliated non governmental organisation (NGO), which establishes partnerships and builds country of Finland, where people can live healthier and better lives.
- builds its’ member organisations’ capacities to support the physical, mental, social and economic well-being of unemployed people.
- forms initiatives to correct institutional grievances, to support the rights of the unemployed and facilitate opportunities for them to the enter the work force.
- forms collective opinions and communicates them to decision makers of all relevant levels.
- collaborates with relevant governmental administrations, labor unions, non-governmental organisations, municipalities, private companies, churches and other stakeholders and political organisations.
- organizes seminars, events and education.
- together with its members, it is one of the biggest distributors of European Union food aid at the national level.
- is mainly funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations.
Member organistions’ activities
The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed has 80 member organisations across Finland. These member organisations have about 5 000 members.
These member organisations provide information, activities and support to unemployed people. Most of these organisations have a cafeteria, where people can eat healthy food, and drink coffee for a low price. It’s also possible to read the local papers, use the computer and participate in peer activities.
Any unemployed person can become a member and supporting membership is possible for people that are not unemployed. Other organisations can also support the Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed.
Our member organisations provide income assisted jobs, apprenticeships and rehabilitative work in the cafeteria, recycling, repair, renovation, arts, decoration and clothing. There are also possibilities for voluntary work and participation in peer support groups.
Project work
The Finnish National Organisation promotes its members and unemployed peoples’ skills and social participation through different projects.
EU food aid
The Finnish National Organisation’s member organisations distribute food aid to the unemployed and other people with low incomes.
Executive Director Jukka Haapakoski. Tel. + 358-50- 577 258. firstname.lastname (@)
If you lose your job or you are laid off
- (external link)
The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed
Rahakamarinportti 3 A, 3. krs, 00240 Helsinki. Tel. +358-40-547 7090. toimisto (@)
Facebook, Twitter @tyottomat